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College Life at SKSIL

Our college is located at Banda, Uttar Pradesh, nestled amidst Mother Nature. This makes our campus calm and serene, which radiates the energy of knowledge. Kanpur, another bustling industrial city is just about 90 kms from SKSIL.

Apart from well-equipped classrooms and a well-stocked library, the campus is home to several facilities that promote extracurricular activities which play a major role in shaping the personality and perspectives of students. Typically, our students are usually busy in the classroom, participating in a discussion with professors, or in the library, browsing through the vast ocean of a collection of legal books, or in the auditorium, taking part in moot courts, or in the playground… participating in sports activities! You will never find yourself with nothing to do!! The college strives to cater to every need of the student to nurture their versatility.

As most of us are aware, courtrooms are basically argument centers. To prepare our students for such real-life situations, we train them on debating and elocution. Periodic competitions to hone oratory skills prepare them thoroughly for the real-life courtroom battles. Moot Court competitions for example hone their knowledge and skill in a make- do court room scenario.

Practice of Law requires a notable skill in writing. We strive to enhance the writing skills of our students and organise various events from time to time so that learning is continuous, and fun filled.

It is said, a lot of what you are is a lot of where you have been. A very important feature of life on campus is the annual academic tour. Our students are taken to various courts, including the High Court and Supreme Court for better understanding of how Indian law is practiced. In the process, they are enriched by life experiences which only travel could give them. On shorter visits, we take you out to visit a Police Station or a Tehseel or even to a Lok Adalat. This would lay bare the ground level knowledge required pursue law. In addition, students have organised legal awareness camps on their own to serve the community better, thereby enhancing their own knowledge in real life scenarios.

Our sports facility adds a robust dimension to the campus. Equipped to make our students physically fit, the emphasis is also on recreational games which refresh your mind and give the necessary respite and perspective to campus life.

We have recently developed a sustainable garden, linking edible planting, wildflower areas and research pods to create a space which is open to staff, students and to the local community.


We welcome students from all over India. Our endeavor is to make our campus accessible to all students local or otherwise. We assist you in finding a right place to live so that you can attend college in comfort.